Journalism professors asked graduates and employers about the quality of the media education

15 Травня, 2019

Within the project «Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity, and Professionalism» («DESTIN») journalism graduates of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy and employers were interviewed about the quality of media education.

According to Tetyana Bondarenko, the head of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and PR Technologies, such a survey is intended to take the opinion of the graduates about the teaching quality of study programs, their details, and the theoretical-practical study components ratio. The employers were interviewed about the performance level of the graduates of the National University of Cherkasy Cherkasy. The processing of results will help to find the benefits and drawbacks of journalism education. The employers also gave recommendations on how to improve the academic training of the journalists.

Specifically, the survey was taken of various media personnel:

“Procherk”, “Infomist”, “Pro Vse”, „“, „18000“, „Vycherpno“, „Pro Golovne“ etc. The television media representatives: “UA: Cherkasy”, “Vikka”, “Ildana”, “112 Ukraine”, “New channel”, “Ukraine”. “NTN”, “5 Kanal” etc.

And also the survey was taken of the representatives of periodicals:

“Vechirni Cherkasy”, “Nova Doba”, “Cherkaskykrai”, “Nova Molod Cherkaschyny”, “7 days”, “Visnyk Zolotonosha” etc.

The survey was taken anonymously, which ensures its veracity and transparency of information.


Translated by Sergiy Prytula




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