Journalism professors work on an implementation of the project «Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism» (DESTIN)

5 Березня, 2019

Currently, the staff of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and PR-Technology is working on the project «Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity, and Professionalism» («DESTIN»). Its aim is to improve educational programs for journalists.

At this point, the study programs were audited for their further improvement which is the aim of the project. Graduates and students studying in the specialty “Journalism” were interviewed as well.


Perhaps for the first time in the educational process, the opinion of employers who employ graduates of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy has been taken into account and they can evaluate the quality of journalism education. According to Tetiana Bondarenko, the head of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and PR Technologies, the survey respondents were asked a number of important questions, the answers were analyzed, and the conclusions about the disadvantages and advantages of the study helped to specify the prospects for improving curricula.

  •  The university has created a working group to improve curricula. This group will analyze plans in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework. The teachers are currently studying the special aspects of the European Qualifications Framework to adjust journalism study programs to the European Higher Education Area and to the media realities, – noted by Tetiana Bondarenko.

According to her words, one of the requirements is knowledge of English. Starting from the new academic year, all students who get a degree in journalism will study English for specific purposes within all the years of study.

  • A new experimental format of teaching English will prepare students for writing journalistic materials in different genres in a foreign language, enhancing the communicative component. The department will provide the position of the full-time teacher, who will teach students English with a focus on the work features of the media professional. Teacher-instructor should take into account the features of the profession of journalism, in particular for live broadcasting, urgent informing in English, the use of modern technologies, – said Tetiana Bondarenko.

It is worth mentioning that previously students studied English only for two years but not in the field of study. The planned studies will enable students to participate in various international projects focused on improving not only language training but also journalism education. Besides, students will be able to work with the professional online resources that are wanted in the media industry.

The project also provides study visits to Poland and Sweden to learn the experience of teaching and for improving local educational programs. According to the head of the department, in the near future, the university will receive equipment that will help students to improve their skills in shooting and editing.

Translated by Sergiy Prytula



Одна відповідь до “Journalism professors work on an implementation of the project «Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism» (DESTIN)”

  1. Світлана Коваль :

    Дуже добре, що є переклад статей англійською мовою. Адже нашим європейським колегам важливо знати, як проект розвивається та які вже є результати виконаних робіт.

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